
Wildwood Sketches Round #4

One more round of work-in-progress sketches and effect ideas! Don't forget that you can already sign up for our upcoming Kickstarter featuring our new expansion: Wildwood Tales. We are very happy to get your feedback or additional ideas in the comments or our Discord channel.


As always all artwork shown and all card effects are highly work-in-progress, i.e. they haven't really been polished and/or tested at all. Still, we want to make the development process transparent to you and allow you to really participate and have an impact!


Score: Gain +1 strength for every card in this lane.


Income: Put a coin from the bank on this card. Destruction: Take all coins on the Leprechaun.


Score: If you have fewer coins than your opponent, gain 2 strength.

Dragon Hatchling

Passive: When an effect targets this card, destroy the effect's source card. (aka "call dragon mom")

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