
The Other Side now live in our app!

Today we're super excited to report that we released a new update that not only adds replays of your own and your friends' matches to the game, but also a whole bunch of new cards from The Other Side expansion to our mobile app! Can you find an even crazier combo than the Basilisk + Shadow one that allows you to destroy a card each turn?

The Other Side adds a lot of potential for crazy combo chains since many of its cards are based on the flip mechanism. Besides that, many cards come with destruction effects, so you'll have to plan ahead very well to maximize the advantage from each and every destroyed card! For example, the Commander is one exciting new card that destroys one of your own cards to then destroy one of your opponent's.

Let us know what you think about the new cards and which one is your favorite!

Also don't forget we have an in-app contest right now where you can win a copy of Terraforming Mars! There's still time to participate in the first week and there are three more weeks to come! Find all the details are in our previous announcement post!

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