
In-game Contest: Win a copy of Terraforming Mars!

UPDATE: Due to a prolonged downtime of our server's provider, we decided to start the official contest time NEXT WEEK. So you can regard the rest of this week until Wednesday as a practice period!


So, who is the best Crimson Company player in the world right now? With the help of our mobile app, we want to find out! The first official in-game contest has just started!

Simply head over to the "Contest" tab and find opponents from there to participate. In a contest, you have 4 lives and try to win as many matches as possible before losing them. Each contest ends with a ranking and trophies will be given out to the best players to pin on their player profiles!


Also, you'll only ever be matched against human opponents in contest mode. You can use the #looking-for-players channel in our Discord to arrange playing times. For a start, we suggest 8pm to 10pm CEST as a time when there is usually a good number of players online.


Each contest runs for a week. We will combine the scores of the next 4 weeks to determine an overall winner. Each week's scores will be multiplied by the respective week's number (1, 2, 3, and the final week's scores are worth 4 times their value).


Oh, and by the way the prize will be a brand-new copy of TERRAFORMING MARS!

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