
App development back in full swing!

A few months ago (during our Kickstarter for the Collector's Box and Ragnarok expansion) we made an early-access version of our mobile app available on Android.


As you may know, we're developing the app with the help of multiple German games funding programs, so for the past couple months we've sort of been "between fundings" as we were waiting for one to wrap up and sorting out the details and processes of the next. We're all set now though and back in full swing!


This means we're even able to expand our team a little bit, so we'll be able to bring updates to the app much more rapidly from now on. As you can see on the image accompanying this post, we already started overhauling the UI (early mockup) to be much more readable. For example, strength numbers are much clearer now and you'll be able to recognize in which phase a card's effect will take place from its background color.


In other news, we'll be adding single-player very soon! You'll be able to play against an AI opponent whenever you like to practice your skills or try out weird new strategies.


You can also regularly expect a whole bunch of bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements in the near future! Stay tuned!


And as always, in case you have any feedback or suggestions, stop by our Discord an get in touch with us and our lovely community!

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    jeacaveo (Friday, 21 August 2020 15:24)

    This is awesome! So glad to hear it!

    Congrats on the funding and keep up yhe great work!

  • #2

    Pedro (Friday, 21 August 2020 16:57)

    Good to hear about this. I didn't know about the early-access version being available.

    I just gave it a try and I might have noticed an 'error' in the tutorial. When your opponent matches your bid, they play the card immediately, instead of waiting for their turn own Deployment Phase.
    Either it's an error, or it is an intentional deviation from the rules to make for a smooth start. If so, it might be confuse players later on when they play a full game.

  • #3

    DarioR (Friday, 21 August 2020 21:41)

    Thanks for the great feedback and your constant support, jeacaveo!

    @Pedro: Awesome, you tried out the App! Actually this is a change by design. In the digital version the round structure is managed by the system, so we did not need the players to wait until their turn. In general, we decided to change rules, if this supports the App in comparison to the print version of the game. Please let us know, how you got used to it. Do you see that as bigger/issue?

  • #4

    Pedro (Sunday, 23 August 2020 21:56)

    Hi Dario,
    I was aware that the app was coming but didn't know about the beta. Congrats on the current state, it looks very appealing and the tutorial is very well done. I got a game in today and there's still some things to improve, but overall it's a good experience.

    Regarding if it's an issue: I don't think so, it just might catch people off guard when they change from app to physical (or vice-versa). I think it has an impact on gameplay though. Not necessarily good or bad impact, but I can see the game playing significantly different this way - I think multiple plays of the app will tell which way works best.